8 Tips To Help You Build Your Personal Brand As A Music Producer
Before you can begin to work on your personal brand, you must first get a good understanding on how your audience currently perceives you.
Go ahead and google your own name/your producer alias.
Clients will often type your name into Google prior to doing any business with you, and the results that appear on the first page will help shape a clients perception of you and your business.
Once you define the current state of your personal brand, you will be able to take the proper steps to elevate your brand to the next level.
Here are 9 quick tips to help you build your personal brand as a music producer:
1. Have Your Own Website
In the internet age, having your own website is a must. This is where you want to showcase your music and provide a way for visitors to purchase your beats.
If you are looking for a good web designer, we recommend checking out ProducerSites™ - they specialize in building sites for music producers!
2. Tag Your Beats
This technique is used by producers to "namestamp" their music. If you are going to add an I.D. tag to your beat, then be sure it is unique and creative.
*Below is an example of how The J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League implements an I.D. Tag at the beginning of their beats:
3. Build An Email List
You should have an email signup form on your website to encourage Artists and A&R's to sign up for your newsletter. This is a great way to market your new beats direct to your clients.
Make sure that you are adding value to your audience and not just spamming them with unwanted updates!
4. Get A Business Card
You should showcase all of your URL's to your website and social media accounts on your business cards. Pass them out to as many Artist and A&R's as you can.
5. Create A Beat Making Video
Are you ready to show the world how you make your beats?
Make a beat making video showing viewers how you made a particular beat (or you can create a new beat from scratch)
*Ryan Leslie gained his large following by showcasing his talent on YouTube.
6. Help Other Music Producers
Do you have something to teach the world?
If so, you can create a blog post or video tutorial teaching other producers a particular skill. This is a great way to show your authority in the industry and this will also help you drive traffic to your website.
*Example: Check out this great blog post tutorial on How To Tune Electronic Drums
7. Be Cautious Of How You Price Your Beats
When you're first starting out, it is tempting to price your beats extremely low (between $10-25). The downfall to this method is that people associate a cheap price tag with low quality.
Your main objective when starting out should be to build your resume of artists you have produced for. This means that clients will associate you with high quality beats.
A great way to build up your resume is to give some of your better beats away for free to Major Label artists. After a few popular artists record to your beats, you will gain popularity and you will be able to command a higher price per beat.
8. Use Social Media Wisely
When building your social media presence, keep in mind that the main objective is to build a genuine relationship with your network.
Focus on providing value to your followers. If you provide value, people will listen to what you are saying and they will be more likely to trust your product or service.
What techniques are you using to help build your personal brand? Let us know in the comments below...
About The Author: Elijah McDonald is a Music Producer, Digital Marketer and the founder of Beat Placements.
I’m brand new just getting started out. I’m all for building my resume but when you say give beats to the label for free…Do beatmakers get any points, if I gave a label a beat for free how do I get any money or is it just for the glory? (Taking a loss for more shine)